Tuesday, December 27, 2011

US Navy SEALs Coins - Real Story Behind US Navy SEAL Coins

!±8± US Navy SEALs Coins - Real Story Behind US Navy SEAL Coins

Think Navy Seals, and you think about Valor, Adventure, Bravery on the Battlefield, and, Commitment to the Country and its People. They are the stuff legends are made of and just about everybody wants a piece of them. There is a whole industry out there catering to the demands of a Navy SEAL crazy public, who want to wear the kind of clothing they supposedly wear on their mission, and are also mad about all kinds of mock combat gear that are a part of Navy SEALs mission specific gear.

However, the kind of gear that Navy SEALs use or employ is shrouded in mystery, so there are chances that what you might be buying off the shelf from a shop, might not be what a Navy SEAL wears or uses. If you really want a Navy SEAL memento or want to show your appreciation for the Navy SEAL, then look no farther than US Navy SEALs coins. These commemorative coins honor a Navy SEAL and his achievements.

The US Navy SEALs Coin

This coin is elliptical in shape and forged out of a brass alloy and comes with an antique bronze finish. The great thing about this coin is that the packaging of the coin contains a detailed header card.

The obverse of the Navy SEALs coin depicts a Navy Frogman in full combat gear, while the reverse features the trident which is the unique symbol of America's Navy SEALs.

The History of the Coins

There are a whole lot of commemorative coins that are available, each focusing on a particular military regiment or special operations group. Moreover, all coins have a history behind them and so does the US Navy SEALs coin.

Legend has it that there was once US Army Air Service pilot whose plane was shot at and hence, was forced to land behind enemy lines. This happened during World War I. The French thought he was a German saboteur and were going to execute him, but stopped because of reason.

The Birth of the Coin

To put it in a nutshell, the man's life was saved by a special coin. What was this coin? One of the wealthier members of the squadron had designed and made special coins that he then distributed amongst the rest of the squadron members. This gold plated coin had the squadron's insignia inscribed on it. The French soldier recognized the insignia and freed him. His providential release provided the requisite inspiration for all members of the squadron to carry the coins at all times, on all missions.

The Tradition Spreads

The tradition of keeping customized military unit-centric coins spread from one branch of service to another and today they have become an intrinsic feature of even non-military organizations. The Navy SEAL coin is given to its members as a token of appreciation for their service to the country, or to improve their morale, or to welcome them into the SEALs fold.

US Navy SEALs coin is a prized possession for all the Navy SEALs fans and you can buy them from special shops which stock commemorative coins and memorabilia.

US Navy SEALs Coins - Real Story Behind US Navy SEAL Coins

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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Environmental Mismanagement of Our Planets Resources For the Advantage For Our National Interest

!±8± The Environmental Mismanagement of Our Planets Resources For the Advantage For Our National Interest

To start with we have a gigantic supply of methane at our disposal all around us if we could only get to it. The environmentalists have blocked every effort to build new refineries and research new coal technologies and new methods of oil extraction for dry wells. They do not want ANY progress towards developing new sources of oil or coal or anything other than wind and solar. It is what democrats always do, they go too far. The ability to distill the many types of gasoline demanded by different states is beyond the present capacity of our refineries to accomplish. They have blocked every attempt to build new refineries since the 1970s. It is high time for new ones to be built. We also have new sources of methane from the sea floor all around the continental shelf, the gulf of Mexico, and Alaska's north slope. We have enough methane to run our whole country's energy requirements that will last us for at least 300 years. The democrats will find a reason to try and stop us from obtaining it and burning it as a clean source of energy. We have also tried to build nuclear plants as well, but have been blocked by democratic obstructionists. Maybe once we throw them out in the next election in 2010 we can make some progress in energy projects to make ourselves energy independent. We now know that their are many billions of barrels of oil locked in shale and tar sands under the Rockie Mountains and Wyoming, Utah and Montana fields that have not been even measured.

Why are we sending billion dollars overseas to buy oil that supports regimes that hate us and would destroy us if they could. We have enough oil within our 300 mile limit drilling borders to supply our energy needs if we could only get it. We have gained in technology, so as to extract oil now from wells that were considered dry in the past. We can drill sideways under areas considered pristine so as to not disturb the area. Gas fields can be drilled from far away points and pipe laid by robots to protect wilderness parks. The democrats still find reasons to block any and all attempts to secure oil deposits for our own use.. It makes no sense to pay others for a product we have here at home. I am always amazed at how their minds work, when they try and find solutions for supposed problems they see. Take their response to an endangered fish they found. It is a smelt fish, about 2 to 3 inches long in a small stream in northern California. Instead of letting it just fend for itself as nature has always done, they diverted water from farms and projects and put tens of thousands of people out of work and dried up farmlands producing crops for us all. If that makes sense to you then we have a very different perspective on what is important for our country and its people. The second point I would like to press is this whole global warming farce. It is a farce and has always been a made up theory. It has been proved by reputable scientific data that our earth has always gone through periods of warming and cooling on our trip around the universe.

Our planet has a wobble as it spins on its axis causing variations leaning towards the sun, and away from the sun, in 23,000 year intervals. Then we have the progression as we travel in an elliptical orbit getting closer to the sun and further away from the sun. That takes 44,000 years to travel around the sun once. It also travels around the galaxy once every 100,000 years as well. To claim that our burning of fossil fuels has caused our planet to heat up is extremely questionable. The facts just do not support Al Gore and his merry little band of scientists that have been caught manipulating data. As a matter of fact this year, 2009, has been one of the coolest on record. All the data suggests we are heading into a general cooling period. Aside from that, we are spending our money foolishly by buying oil from overseas when we have enough right here, if we could only be allowed to get at it. I cannot make it any clearer, except to say that the democratic party, has for reasons unknown, blocked every attempt of this country to produce our own energy resources. While looking for new technologies to lessen our dependence on fossil fuels we should be using that money we send overseas to fund our research here at home. Putting people to work is another problem they overlook. Thousands of people could be working, building refineries and power plants, with our new technologies and developments. Nuclear power is viable now and the storing of nuclear waste is easily done with our ability to solidify it into concrete blocks for storage on the sea bottom.

It has been showed time after time how environmentalists use the most outrageous assumptions to prove the truth of their arguments. They claim the poles are melting from our burning of fossil fuels into our atmosphere with CO2 emissions causing it. It is the use of figures, diagrams and data, from doctored sources, to prove a false premise. Global warming is NOT man made. The people that are getting very rich promoting it and investing into green technologies are the ones we should be prosecuting for felony fraud. Where is CBS, NBC, ABC,and CNN in reporting about these fraudulent scientists and the agencies or colleges they represent? Who is paying their salaries or supporting their research? Why did they falsify papers or manipulate the figures in research projects? Who made them do what they did and why? I know that environmentalists desperately need to justify their crazy projects to gain money from donors willing to give for the environmental schemes they dream up. Now the game is over and they have been discovered lying to us all. Maybe now we can use our technologies to drill for oil and gas right off our own coasts and under the Rockies. We have enough methane gas to supply all our energy needs for the whole country hundreds of years into the future. We need to build refineries and distillation plants to refine gas and put it where it is needed. We could put tens of thousands of people to work at once doing all these things right now. Maybe after the 2010 elections are over and we remove all the obstructionists from office in the Congress and Senate.

This time we have to get them all out. Everyone wants to kick them all out except for theirs. He or she brings home the bacon so to speak. Well, this time its all or none. We also need term limits and a Presidential line item veto. Congress people should have a four term limit and the senate a two term limit of four years instead of six. We also MUST HAVE campaign reform for real this time. No donations from anyone for any reason. Campaign funds are given equally to any qualified applicant that is nominated by any legitimate party. No privately funded commercials are permitted except those paid for by candidates. If anyone makes any commercial to sponsor any candidate they will face a ,000 to 0,000 fine or one year in jail or more. If we don't stand for something, then we will all fall apart, and end up as sheep following a dictator looking for crumbs from the tables of governmental handout programs. It is time all the graft and corruption from special interest groups and money donors went away and their is only one way that can happen. People in congress and senate seats for to many terms get to feel as if they deserve what ever they can get away with. How many have become rich by the time they retire or are kicked out. The many lawbreakers and felons our President has all around him as czars and appointees should tell you something about his agenda. We have to clean house and get rid of them all. People like Charlie Rangel who " forget " to pay their income taxes and others that were convicted of Felony charges and sent to jail.

When do we say stop? When is enough, enough? How many criminals are we supposed to overlook and not notice around our fearless leader? Barney Frank told us at hearing after hearing, in front of his banking committees, that everything was fine and nothing was wrong with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack. Year after year when George Bush, and many others, told us we needed new regulations and rules, to reign in the reckless loans being given to people not able to meet mortgage payments. All we heard was that everything is fine. We sure found out what he meant by that. Now we face the global grab for our money under the guise of global warming which has been discredited by every reputable scientist except those tied to Al Gore's money tree. It is disgraceful to note the way he answered the scandal on his favorite scam. He claims the data was 10 or more years old when it was only last year. I find it amazing the way he can lie with a straight face and go around the truth as if it wasn't there. Environmentalists must be very proud of him. He will not speak to anyone except his followers or answer any question from news organizations. I wonder how he plans to keep going with the farce now that everyone knows the truth? When do we say enough to his garbage theory? The rest of the world is trying to cash in at our expense. Now they want us to support their socialist countries and poorer nations because of our supposed pollution of our atmosphere with CO2 gasses. It is a farce.

To try and explain the workings of the democratic party ever since they were taken over by every left wing fanatical splinter group trying to gain power is like trying to shovel sand with a fork. The far left groups have joined forces with every liberal socialist dingbat, As Archie Bunker used to call them, trying to get their way. The gay rights activists join forces with abortionists, and every splinter group their is, then the unions want their projects and desires granted along with every lobbyist and special interest group and they all want their own way. We have to change the way we accomplish change in this country. No more expensive giveaways like the stimulus bill or Tarp money being spent for phony jobs bills or global warming projects. Explain first what is intended and how much it will cost. The cap and trade bill is a gross farce to deplete our energy sources and double or triple our energy costs. Every American will be required to support third world countries under a false premise. It will bankrupt our economy and quadruple our national debt by hundreds of trillions of dollars every year. It is not possible with our economy in the shape it is in now. Our children and grandchildren will be slaves to socialist nations all around the globe. Their economies are failing because of their medical systems draining them and this is a way for them to grab our purse strings and empty our wallets to support them.

The rest of the world is falling apart under socialist governments with their cradle to grave care and they want us to pay their bills. Global warming along with cap and trade and environmentalism will do the job. Environmentalism was a worthy goal when it was started. With reasonable people and aims that were shown to be workable it was going well. It was eventually taken over by left wing extremists as a cash cow they could milk from businesses trying to do good. Now they blackmail people and businesses and threaten them with boycotts and twisted advertising unless they donate large sums to their organization or group. We need to get busy and work together to remove their influence. Unions have always used tactics like blackmail and bullying businesses to allow them to get their way. Now they want this card check bill to do away with the right of privacy in voting. They want to look over your shoulder while voting and then the right to vote in secret will be gone as well. Where does it all end? If you really want to understand what is going on then read up on two people named Cloward & Piven then you will have the true picture. The strategy they formed is the blueprint for subversion and destruction of our way of life, Then read the democrats bible written by Saul Ailinski called Rule for Radicals. It is all there in plain sight for all to see. Then come back and tell me I am crazy.

The Environmental Mismanagement of Our Planets Resources For the Advantage For Our National Interest

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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Top 10 Exercise "mistakes" and how they are resolved

!±8± Top 10 Exercise "mistakes" and how they are resolved

This is a list of ten common mistakes made during exercise. Often the physician and personal trainer and coach is not aware of these errors, reducing its effectiveness and that injury. This list describes each "mistake" but follows with a suggested "correction". You can find this list helpful in grading yourself or even your personal trainer.

Ineffective warm up before exercise

The purpose of a warm-up is to gently prepare the bodyfor the increased loads the next training session. A 5 to 10 minutes of moderate-intensity cycling fighting, walking on the treadmill or elliptical work or sports-specific movements, a sort of mild, persistent tension is induced may be sufficient. These activities have the effect of increasing blood flow to muscles (including heart) and the increase in muscle temperature as a basis for improving joint flexibility and mobility can help reduce accidents.

Athletes oftenextreme, if it refers to a warm-up, or do not take it at all, or "prefatigue" by clicking at high intensity for 15 -20 minutes (or more) before their meeting. This required the effect of carbohydrate stores draining precious muscle (glycogen) for the next resistance training / bodybuilding training session.

If the purpose of the exercise is to lose weight, actually it is better to perform extended aerobic training range or the end of a strong forceTraining, because the body burn more fat as fuel is likely due to reduced muscle glycogen stores.

Stretching ineffective

Many individuals and personal trainers have the knowledge to effectively meet the routes. For example, if it is a static hamstring stretch on the floor with your legs straight up in the air, it is important to push the other leg on the ground to avoid excessive posterior (back) to prevent tilting of the pelvis. Tipping reduces theThe effectiveness of the course.

When performing a dynamic stretch like a lunge in the groin and thigh muscles, the spine (and pelvis) must remain in an upright position and extend vertically to the ground otherwise it loses its effectiveness. Stretching exercises in an upright position, or steal while pressing against an external source of stabilization, maximum power.

It may be useful to perform dynamic stretches with good technique in order and not supportedLunge type positions at the beginning of the session. This has the effect, at the same time follow a targeted balance (core stability) and flexibility in the preparation of the body and the joints of movement during weight training. Static stretching may be more effective at the end of your workout because the muscles are warm and elastic.

Excessive use of machines

As mentioned in other articles on this site, use of fitness equipment, in essence,The stimulation of muscles and muscle forces is to work in isolation or in static, non-functional structures. While some machines such as leg press machines and assisted pull up / dip machines on exercises that accentuate the body's internal stabilization mechanism (core) to increase movement and function perfectly do a lot of creativity and fun.

Exercise machines are good for an introduction to strength training and bodybuilding, but it is notadvisable to use them as exclusive. A good tip is to find a balance between exercises, the stability of your body and balance (free weights, standing / lunging exercises) and traditional machine-assisted exercises and challenges, which allow you to hit more muscle work

Exercise of poor technical

In short, the quality is the factor that matters most is not necessarily the amount of exercise. It 'easy to make the sacrifice to function, and perform many repetitions of an exercisemade with a technique that hurt the movement itself with strict biomechanically correct technique. It makes sense, then the correct technique is the most difficult to learn and to control how often it is only through experience and trial and error.

An inexperienced exerciser should invest in the services of a coach with experience and personal credentials to minimize the learning curve and make it start. For example, a good way to evaluate the qualityYou or your instructor in the form of an occupied house is on the back of the head with respect to the back of the heel to be seen. If your back is straight (not bent) and the back of the head remains in line with the back of the heel (flat) during the entire movement, then the technique is good.

Basically, the barbell to move in a near vertical line throughout the movement. If the bar moves forward, it becomes increasingly heavy loads on the spine and discs intevertebral, similar to the armCranes. Lifting in this way increases the likelihood of injury to the spine and connective tissue, such as intervertebral discs, muscles and ligaments.

Keep your feet on the ground and threw his legs in the abdominal exercises

A training device, the feet should never be held down or hooked under the bed / door when many sit ups, because it allows to be done for much of the work by the hip flexor (groin) muscle. Abs are responsible for fixing the pelvis in aSit-up from the lower back into the ground. When the abdominal muscles fatigue or not strong enough to have the lower back and feet fixed, the hip flexors to a forward tilt of the pelvis and the development of a "hole" in the lower back.

Performing sit-ups with a tilted pelvis tends toward the front, back pain and actually stretch and weaken the abdominals instead of strengthening it. The same problems can occur while lying on his back, when the legs are liftedstraight into the air and thrown to the ground by a partner. If correct, the abdominals, the pool is not flat like the feet of the ground, this type of approach to exercise can seriously strain the lower back muscles. An alternate legs scissor action to reverse curls or hanging knee lifts are a better substitute for concentration in the lower abdominal muscles.

Taking on the front and side rails of a treadmill

This is a common sight in any gym of the gym - a person is on aTreadmill and gradually begins to raise the maximum speed and slope. The slope approaches a maximum and the individual will keep on the front or side rails for their lives to avoid being thrown from the car. The stick contains essentially the advantages of greater intensity raises won support from the runway, since the arms literally taken over the body.

Hold the handrails and negatively on the natural biomechanics of walking / running - is the lack of armunnecessary burden on the muscles and connective tissues - especially the pelvis and lumbar spine. It also records the effect of reducing the core / balance training stimulus must go / support in a state to use.

Finally, since most people use treadmills as a way to do cardio to lose weight, why not stop moving his arms, as this contributes to the cost of energy?

Exercise progression ineffective

Each training session should have some logicalTo maximize the results. Athletes and coaches often do not place priority on order operation, going from one exercise to another without any apparent order. For the exercise is very important for predicting future results and should be motivated by the neuromuscular system and energy requirements of selected exercises. For example, should the basic exercises, which have a high degree of concentration and precise form to perform effectively, be performed if the person is "cool" - immediately after ashort warm-up and stretching.

Basic training is through resistance training (if applicable), as this form must follow the same exercise that the exerciser be rested and fresh in order to respond effectively. Several common strength training (exercises such as squats, lunges, bench presses, shoulder presses, etc..) Should be followed by strength training exercises, because they require large energy reserves.

A good option is to switch between upper and lower body exercises or use the "push / pull" rule -ie, follow a pulling type exercise with a kind of pressure. Since most isolation exercises such as triceps extensions, biceps curls, and abs are much lower energy requirements, these can be made towards the end of the session.

The exercise test, stabilization and mobilization occur together

The core muscles stabilize the pelvis in its position "neutral" (as in good standing with perfect posture). The muscles, such as the thigh, wide back muscles and hip flexorsThat mobilized the entire basin attached muscles and do exactly what their name implies - do not tilt your pelvis forward and back, up and down and rotate to allow the exercise. It 'very difficult to train stability and mobility in a single year since technically they are opposite actions.

For example, the implementation of squats (requires a movement of the pelvis) on a BOSU ball or while standing on inflatable discs or foam rollers is probably of little benefit to strengthening theCore. Similarly, the curl-up implementation of an exercise ball is unlikely to improve core strength, as this exercise is designed to tip the pelvis back muscles.

Basic exercises are performed in static positions, such as bridges and walk. And 'beneficial for the stabilization and mobilization of starch separated and not to focus together. Building a base of core stability and flexibility before operating the arm and legs. Much more power in the legs canformed when the foot is in contact with a solid surface (like Earth) - in addition to this is the way a function in daily life anyway.

Exercise progression inappropriate

Drill often, personal trainers and coaches to understand or to functional exercise progressions. You watch other people who have some movement and decided to integrate it into their routine or their clients. May be, however, that the person who had watched the performance of the year, that progressRightly in a functional and systematic. If a device is attempting to exercise training who are physically unprepared to play, it increases the risk of injury and executing the movement with poor technique.

The brain remembers and stores both good and bad motor and movement patterns, so the old adage JUNK JUNK IN = OUT is also true for the exercise. A good tip is to enhance the shape of the "in and out" and not "out" by focusing on flexibility and stability.These are the prerequisites for the successful development of functional movements such as squats, lunges and sport-specific movements.

The static stability training and stretching progresses to dynamic stability training, then continued to strength and, finally, the formation of power. To try to strengthen and provide the status of the body from "outside in" instead of "in and out" will fail to maintain satisfactory results. Every exercise program should first look to develop a base (coreStability, cardiovascular fitness) and then move to "build" a step on this basis to improve performance, robustness and functionality.

Blocks placed under the heels in a squat

Blocks placed under the heels is a common technique used by trainers and athletes for both the tight calf muscles (soleus) to compensate for or used to work on the quadriceps (thigh muscles) concentrated. Athletes often see other people perform squats in this way, and want to copy them. This practice is notrecommended because it essentially "give in" to increase the rigidity of the ankle and not the quality of this movement is very functional.

Raise heels also places the ankle in an unstable arch makes them vulnerable to injury - in particular a lateral distortion of the ankle. In this position, the body shifts the focus from the metatarsal, closer to the toes and increase the likelihood that a loss of balance and possible injury. A sure way toObjective is the quadriceps or thigh and buttocks is to control the positioning bar in the back.

Rests in the location bar on the top of the posterior deltoid (shoulder) is at the base of the neck, so the effect of hitting the quadriceps muscles. In the lowest position, the bar is set lower in the back of the posterior deltoid muscle at the level of the central trapezoid (above the shoulder blades) this positioning will result in a greater burden shifted tothe hamstring and gluteal muscles.

This article was aimed at the most common mistakes people can make in their exercise routine, stress. Very often only an awareness of the mistakes can often remedy the situation, while other problems of time and experience to learn the correct technique of operation can handle. It is hoped that this article served the purpose of informing the reader so he / she get the most from their exercise routine and allow them to doEvaluation of themselves and other exercise professionals.

Top 10 Exercise "mistakes" and how they are resolved

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Saturday, August 27, 2011

TRI-Circuit Training - How to maximize the strength and cardio-vascular benefits

!±8± TRI-Circuit Training - How to maximize the strength and cardio-vascular benefits

Strength and resistance exercise can be divided into two extremes, as a rule. Obviously there are many shades and variations of each side of the spectrum, but let's start with this dichotomy. When it comes to strength training, a routine that consists of lifting very heavy weights for 1-3 reps, is the general protocol. Powerlifting is the ultimate expression of pure strength training. Resistance training is on the opposite side of the spectrum, in which a task is performedabout 20 minutes, sometimes up to an hour and in extreme cases, much longer.

Obviously there are some advantages of training at both ends of the spectrum simultaneously, although many people in one way or another train to focus specifically on their chosen sport. For the average non-athlete, but a good mix of the two is optimal. A training program that enough power to keep your joints, muscles and bones healthy and strong and gives you the advantage of advanced balancesCardiovascular activity offers injury prevention, cardiovascular health, calories burned and workout for starting! If you combine well with a healthy diet plan, you can achieve multiple objectives, depending on your individual needs. It 'easy to make a subtle change to emphasize more strength, or one day pure resistance training to increase aerobic capacity. Remember this, if executed correctly, it was shown that the most effective way to burn calories, becausewell.

The trick to this is the balance between the two ends of the spectrum effectively limits and individual capacities. Ideally, you should perform at least two sessions and two strength-resistance workouts per week. A more effective method is to integrate the two with a well-designed circuit. This is the origin of our TRI-Circuit Training System ®. We have a simple way to change activities to lead the resistance, while the integration of developing an aspect of strength.In its simplest form it is a circuit with three drill stations, the minimum rest between stations. Each TRI-Circuit ® is a minimum of three times carried out with a short rest period (1 minute) between circuits.

The key lies in the choice of exercise and stress. Chest and back: For example, if I want to concentrate on building strength in the upper body, I want the biggest muscles in the upper body first priority. I would like to have a very basic compound movement for each of these muscles,say, push-ups and dumbbell rows. I now have the basis for two separate circuits. The base is the component of starch. This exercise should be moderate, so that the number of repetitions for each talk time (30 to 90 seconds) is very demanding, sometimes to the point that a small break to complete the station.

After selecting the base my practice, I have to choose more than two years to complete the TRI-Circuit. Both exercises will be carried out in the future at a lower intensity. One ofshould be as close to finishing the first primary muscle group to exhaustion to complete. The third period is that of a rival or one that is located on the opposite side of the body. It can also be a body exercise at low intensity or lower abdomen. The purpose of this exercise is to work the body and the same primary muscle to rest. This is a period of active rest.

An example TRI-Circuit ® routine that contains a circuit and for breastBack to the other could be the following:

1) BASIS: Pushups
2) Finisher: Band Bench Press
3) ACTIVE REST: stability ball crunch

1) BASIS: dumbbell rows
2) Finisher: Band Series
3) ACTIVE REST: Lift the leg

Each of these circuits will be completed non-stop. After the third exercise has been completed, take a short rest period (up to 1 minute), so the primary muscles to fully recover before the next circuit. Depending on thetheir condition and the resistance is used, these circuits are as short as 20 seconds or up to 90 seconds. When more power is desired, use heavier weights and shorter periods of time. Long periods with less weight increases the effect of resistance training.

I prefer to complete each circuit three times for most people, although some only able to complete two. Beginners should always be modest, the weights and short periods of time and focus onPerform each exercise with proper form.

These circuits and TRI-loop system are very effective and time saving, so that for three years for work, rather than just one. Changes to this system can be done to increase the intensity, with more advanced pupils.

TRI-Circuit Training - How to maximize the strength and cardio-vascular benefits

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Treadmill Doctor Elliptical Installation and Assembly

!±8±Treadmill Doctor Elliptical Installation and Assembly

Brand : Treadmill Doctor
Rate :
Price : $199.99
Post Date : Aug 24, 2011 12:49:15
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Treadmill Doctor Concierge Assembly Service

Let Treadmill Doctor® assemble your new elliptical trainer and save you the time, hassle, and complications of assembling the elliptical yourself. Get the maximum use out of your new machine by having it professionally assembled by an experienced, certified, and insured home fitness equipment technician or team of technicians. Enjoy peace of mind knowing your elliptical trainer will be safely and correctly assembled the first time without damaging the machine or your home. Upon completion of assembly, your technician will guide you through the programs and features of your elliptical so you can start using your machine immediately; no headache, no guesswork, no problem.

How it Works

Purchase elliptical assembly from Treadmill Doctor when (or after) buying a new elliptical A Treadmill Doctor Concierge emails you with assembly details and to schedule assembly The delivery company confirms delivery time/date with you and delivers your machine A certified technician(s) arrives within 48 hours of delivery to assemble your machine

Features and Benefits

 Certified Technicians: A certified technician will assemble and calibrate your machine, then remove all debris
 Convenient Installation: Appointments are available Monday through Saturday in four-hour windows
 Treadmill Education: The technician will educate you on the basic features and programs of your machine
 Insurance: Technicians are insured for up to million in accidental damage protection
 Warranty: Installation comes with a 90-day warranty for defects in workmanship
 Nationwide Coverage: Treadmill Doctor installation is available nationwide except Alaska and Puerto Rico

Certified Technicians
All technicians are certified to assemble adjust your machine.
Nationwide Coverage
United States
Concierge installations are available nationwide except Alaska & Puerto Rico.
Superior Service
Your Treadmill Concierge will coordinate all the details of your assembly.

What's Included

 Elliptical assembly and calibration by a certified professional technician (two technicians if needed)
 A Treadmill Doctor Concierge assigned to your account from order placement to assembly
 A basic tutorial to educate you on the features and programs of your machine
 Insurance for up to million in accidental damage protection
 A 90-day warranty for defects in workmanship
 Removal of all debris and packing material

About Treadmill Doctor Technicians

All installers are professional, knowledgeable, and adhere to strict guidelines in order to deliver excellent service to each and every customer. In addition to assembling, adjusting, and calibrating your machine, the technician will offer a basic tutorial on its programs and features. All fitness technicians are covered by a million accidental damage insurance policy and their workmanship is guaranteed with a 90-day warranty. If, for some reason, your equipment is flawed upon delivery, your Treadmill Doctor technician will begin the manufacturer's warranty process for you. After assembly of your machine is complete, the technician will remove debris and packing material from your home.

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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Merit Fitness 725E Elliptical Trainer

!±8± Merit Fitness 725E Elliptical Trainer

Brand : Horizon Fitness | Rate : | Price : $399.00
Post Date : Aug 10, 2011 21:50:06 | Usually ships in 24 hours

Merit Fitness 725E Elliptical Trainer with Heart Rate Monitor and EZ-For-One Assembly offers eight user programs

  • Compact elliptical trainer for working both legs and upper body
  • 10 levels of computer-programmed resistance; smooth 9.9-pound flywheel
  • Computer console shows time, distance, resistance level, and calories burned
  • 275-pound weight capacity; 8 preset workout programs
  • EKG handgrips under the console; 5 year warranty on frame

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Friday, August 5, 2011

Treadmills Compare prices before making the purchase

!±8± Treadmills Compare prices before making the purchase

Have you been looking treadmill and can not understand why prices are so different? Try making a chart showing the comparison of prices to compare treadmill features.

You need to ask why the treadmill is so cheap or expensive. Are you thinking of a treadmill hundred U.S. dollars from your local store super? If yes, then for an economic model that is likely to be prepared manually. If it turns out to be an electric motor will not be of high quality and probably. Break It can begin in spurts and stops, or any other number of problems. The treadmill is probably a bare base model with no frills or comfort.

When the treadmill is with us, you are super expensive, what brand is it? If there is a well-known quality brand, you're probably buying a good reliable treadmill. If it comes to extras like a docking station for MP3 player and speakers, with a fan, a one-touch, or a digital console? Perhaps it is commercialQuality.

You can use a treadmill remanufactured cheaper if you bought brand new. This route is worth considering. You may be able to find a quality treadmill for the price of the cheaper models. Typically, remanufactured treadmills are as good as new ones are sold. Were controlled and did not break on it has been resolved.

Sometimes a treadmill economy ends up costing much more in the long run. If you replace the engineand the belt sooner than you expect, you can make money was saved with a better model more reliable. Some of the small unknown companies can not sell spare parts. In this case, you can only lose money that you never go back.

What kind of guarantee with all of the treadmill? A lifetime warranty would be great. Guarantees for 5 or 10 years shows that the company behind their product. If the warranty is not included at all, you should do is step back and askFind out why.

How long were the treadmill for sale? If they were only introduced new and more expensive. Last model year should be cheaper than they are willing to sell them so they can make room for new models.

Well, make a chart to show your treadmill compare prices, should begin to make sense. You will see that the cheaper models are very simple, while the more expensive models have more comfort and better technology. It should nowEasy for you to get the best treadmills in the price range.

Treadmills Compare prices before making the purchase

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Financially rewarding is the Cross Trainer ICON

!±8± Financially rewarding is the Cross Trainer ICON

ICON produces high quality machines. They are not expensive and are good for all, fear is now to work out. It is not the best for you thousands of these machines on a fantasy that has it all, if an oval carousel enough to spend it all. This can give the best for the least.

In the beginning was ICON Health & Fitness is not about big companies, but through hard work went to one of the most successful. These machines are not gainingsmall amounts for them. You can pay thousands of other athletes oval, but a few hundred of what is going on. This must be the key to success for them. This company has no realistic that most of us are not rich, but we all need to help them lose weight.

Even if you do not pay the same amount as the brand, you will always have the same options. You can choose between the heart monitor, and training selected and the fans. This will run in the district400 This is an amazing deal. Try the same device with the same options for 3000. You can download the software directly from the Internet. This is good for those who tire of doing the same thing several times. This brings new life into the routine.

You can find on this oval-athletes in a variety of retail stores. Sears is an important vehicle for this brand. There is also a good idea groped fortune on the Internet. It 'easy and maybe even cheaperThem. Here you can find all the others, so why not you?

ICON The machine is worth a visit. And 'cheap and has so much that you want to use from now on. This is one of those machines that you want to tell everyone. Why is the business like an excellent reputation. I'm good at what they do!

Financially rewarding is the Cross Trainer ICON

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